A book panel discussion held at UCL on 22 June explored the new volume Curated Decay: Heritage Beyond Saving by Caitlin DeSilvey (Associate Professor of Cultural Geography at the University of Exeter’s Environment and Sustainability Institute).
The author proposes rethinking the care of certain vulnerable sites in terms of ecology and entropy, explaining how we must adopt an ethical stance that allows us to collaborate with – rather than defend against – natural processes.
Caitlin was joined in conversation by a panel who discussed and debated her contributions to rethinking the conservation of natural and cultural heritage. Panellists included:
- David Lowenthal (Emeritus Professor of Geography, UCL and author of The Past is a Foreign Country)
- Haidy Geismar (Department of Anthropology, UCL, author of Treasured Possessions: Indigenous Interventions into Cultural and Intellectual Property),
- Rodney Harrison (AHRC Heritage Priority Area Leadership Fellow, UCL Institute of Archaeology)
The event was recorded and is available on our YouTube channel here.